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BioAgTech Awards

We uniquely recognize three important stakeholders of our BioAgTech industry for their tireless pursuits in BioAgTech, sustainable agriculture, sustainability, sustainable farming practices, and integrated crop solutions. 


The BioAgTech Sustainable Grower Award recognizes and rewards growers who are true believers in sustainability and have demonstrated the use of BioAgTech inputs in their integrated cropping systems to ensure food safety and food security.


The BioAgTech Exceptional Business Leader Award honors proven, inspirational, persuasive and results-oriented entrepreneurs who exhibit visionary leadership, business savviness, entrepreneurial drive with skin in the game, integrity and steadfast dedication. 


The BioAgTech Pioneering Innovation Award highlights proven commercial potential, including tangible ROI for farmers, as a part of the sustainable solutions that support food safety and food security. 


Follow the links below to learn more about the awards, the rules and how to apply. For more information, please feel free to reach out to Dhruv Lavania at

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© 2023 BioAgTech World Congress

BioAgTech World Congress is hosted by Global BioAg Linkages,

in partnership with industry associations and international agri publications.

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