2021 BioAg World Congress Hybrid Event
2021 BioAg World Congress Hybrid Event
Global BioAgTech Pioneering Innovation Award 2025
Calling for Papers by all BioAgTech Innovators!
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BioAg World Congress and Global BioAg Linkages (GBL) aim to inspire and accelerate the development and adoption of BioAgTech inputs as part of integrated crop solutions. To further this goal, the Pioneering Innovation Award highlights innovators who bring commercially viable and sustainable solutions that support food safety and food security.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Open until February 15, 2025
Announcing the Call for Papers on current innovations or launches related to the following session themes:
Biostimulant innovations in relation to nutrient use efficiency and abiotic stress management.
Biopesticides as integrated solution in crop management for biotic stress management and maximum residue limits management.
Water efficiency management, the role of microbiomes, and soil, plant, and seed health.
Digital and data platforms, application technology, precision ag/AgTech, and nano solution.
Any other path-breaking synergistic or multifunctional BioAgTech product or solution.
In addition, please explain in a concise manner, supported with tangible data and information:
Ease of use & adoption by farmers.
Go-to-Market strategy and targets.
Farmers’ ROI or ROI-related data.
Tangible examples of sustainability with respect to planet, profit and people.
Potential for long-term commercial success.
Field trial data where applicable, especially in comparison with synthetic alternatives.
Regulatory status/progress – crops and geographies.
English is the official language of all papers.
Papers should be submitted using the paper template found below.
In the paper, please clearly explain your innovation's originality, uniqueness, field adaptability, proven efficacy and technical superiority.
Email your paper as a PDF to Dhruv Lavania at keyrelations@bioaglinkages.com and click on the button below to fill out the brief submission form.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the Independent Congress Scientific Committee comprised of a multidisciplinary panel of global industry leaders.
Selected submissions will be invited for oral presentation in the relevant session(s).
Selected submissions (final winners or not) will be published in the BioAg World Digest (BAW Digest) and on Global BioAg Linkages (GBL) social media extensively.
All submissions, even if not selected by judges for oral presentation, are welcome to be displayed as roll-up standee posters in the Expo area for the duration of the Congress.
A representative from the selected innovations will have a 10-minute presentation slot on Innovation Day, slated for Friday, April 25, 2025.
Presentations should be made using the Congress PowerPoint template found above.
Selected speakers must register online as Congress delegates, either through their company or in a private capacity.
Presentations will be rated live by the Congress delegates using the Congress App.
In case of any outliers, the Scientific Committee will make the final decision.
Based on the ratings, the top three innovations will be announced and awarded in the evening on Friday, April 25, 2025.
Sponsor's Endowment (discretionary by the sponsor)
Certificate and Trophy
Complementary registration for BAW Congress 2026
An interview and product profile placement in the BioAg World Digest (BAW Digest) and Global BioAg Linkages publications and social media
For any questions, please contact Dhruv Lavania at keyrelations@bioaglinkages.com.